Spring 2025 Soccer:

Contact us at to check for any remaining openings.




  • Our league has divisions for players from 4-year-old PreK through high school, following a school-year calendar. Players in the league must have turned 4 years old by August 2024. (Younger players may register for one of our Intro to Soccer classes for 3- and  4-year-olds.) 
  • Player division must be selected based on their age/grade as of August 2024. For example, if your 5-year-old was still 4 back in August, then you must register for the 4yo/PreK division.
  • Priority registration is available for players who are returning from the Fall 2024 season. If you were part of our fall season, please check your email for more details.
  • IMPORTANT:  Participants may make a coach/friend/practice day request, but we cannot guarantee that requests can be accommodated. Generally speaking, priority is given to those players registered the earliest, but consideration is also given to balancing teams. 
  • Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to be a coach by emailing us at

Other Important Info:

  • The season runs from mid-March through late May, with 10-12 weeks of practice and 7+ games. Cost runs $115-145 (depending on the age group) and includes uniform kit, season t-shirt, printed devotional booklet, and end-of-season medal. Note: Players returning from the fall who register during the Priority period and wear their fall uniform again will have a discounted fee.
  • There are two convenient locations for practices. Make sure to double check that you are registering for your preferred practice fields: either LCA (Lexington Christian Academy) or Athens (Richmond Rd., behind Brenda Cowen Elementary).
  • Teams in the 4yo through 2nd/3rd Grade divisions will play games at their practice location. The 4th/5th Grade and Middle School divisions will typically have games at both locations.

I AM 3RD Soccer has one of the largest recreational soccer programs in Kentucky.  Our league focuses on providing the players a great development curriculum in a safe and positive environment that parents can trust.  As a non-profit organization, we rely on parent volunteers to coach, but we provide appropriate resources and materials.  All coaches must complete background checks and sign our Coaching Contract.

We offer fall and spring outdoor leagues, as well as Intro to Soccer classes and summer camps.  We also offer a Player Development Academy, which is a select soccer program for the most advanced players.  We are confident your family will enjoy our comprehensive program.  We would love to have the opportunity to help your child grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially.



I AM 3RD's soccer program is one of the largest in the state with over 2,300 kids playing each season. This would not be possible without major volunteer power. We are grateful to the many parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and neighbors who give their time to support these kids each season. We have varying opportunities available to serve for those interested, ranging from coaching and referee positions to administrative help.  

Our coaches are ALL volunteers and have varying levels of coaching and soccer experience.  These persons are the backbone of our soccer league and we know how important it is to support their efforts.  When you join our league, we hope you will always be willing to pitch in and help in some way: maybe send emails, bring snacks, pick up items for the team, help with game day sidelines, etc.  We will solicit help from parents to ensure each team has enough volunteers to make it a great season.  To become a volunteer, please identify on your registration in what ways you are able to contribute, or contact us at


Scholarships are available for players based on need and availability of funds. All scholarship requests must be submitted prior to registration so that, if approved, a discount code can be used.

Contact us for more information.